About Us
We are a group of students at Lancaster University from various backgrounds that come together to spread the Gospel to the students of Lancaster University.
Meet the Exec for 2023-2024:
2nd Year English Literature and Creative Writing
Fun Fact
I am physically incapable of holding three fingers up (couldn't do the scout salute, sadly!)
What are you excited about?
I am so excited to see how God will grow the CU this year, specifically how we will grow as a community encouraging each other to share God's love with the people around us!
2nd Year Computer Science
Fun Fact
I have climbed the highest mountain in Germany (Zugspitze) twice!
What are you excited about?
Sharing the gospel as a part of the amazing community we have!
2nd Year English Literature and Creative Writing
Fun Fact
Ostriches are one of my biggest fears.
What are you excited about?
I’m excited about serving alongside this fabulous team, seeing lives changed on campus with the love of Jesus.
1st Year Physics
Fun Fact
I like to go looking for mushrooms in the forest
What are you excited about?
Meeting and having fruitful discussions with lots of new people during events week
2nd Year Sociology
Fun Fact
I own 11 plants all named after Lord of the Rings characters!
What are you excited about?
To see people reached throughout campus in a creative way alongside these amazing people!
1st Year Mechanical Engineering
Fun Fact
My favourite guitar chord is C7sus2
What are you excited about?
Seeing what God has planned for us this year as a CU; what He’s going to teach us, show us and do through us :)
1st Year Engineering
Fun Fact
I have completed Mario Kart in 1 week
What are you excited about?
I am excited to see God work throughout campus!
1st Year Medicine
Fun Fact
I have eaten alligator!
What are you excited about?
Getting to know international students and sharing Jesus with them :)

Want to find out more?
Find out about what we believe:
Come and meet our amazing staff workers!!